There are a 5 different kinds of magical items in the Dungeons:Potions, Scrolls,Rings, Wands, and Staves. For those items that, when used, provide an immediate effect(Potions, Scrolls and Wands/Staves), I've tried to match up the effect with the correcttype of item.
Save versus magic deserves a note on most pages, but this is the magic page so here goes:Whenever you might be adversely effected by a magicitem, your character (and monsters too) gets a saving throw (1 die of 20 sides),if the throw is high enough, you resist the effect. Your saving throw improves asyou go up in level. You can save vs. Poison, Paralyzation, luck, death, breath andmagic.

Potions come in the following colours, assigned randomly when a game is started:
amber aquamarine black blue brown clear crimson cyan ecru gold green grey magentaorange pink plaid purple red silver tan tangerine topaz turquoise vermilion violetwhite yellow
To use a potion, you (q)uaff it. Quaffing an unknown potion isn't necessarily a goodidea, but the only really nasty potion you often encounter on earlier levels is the potion of blindness. However,if you've already discovered most of the useful potions, there is a decent chancethat a new unknown potion is a bad one, and it may be worth using an identify scrollon it.
Potion type | Effect |
Blindness | a cloak of darkness falls around you |
Confusion | wait, what's going on? Huh? What? Who? |
Extra healing | you begin to feel much better |
Gain strength | you feel stronger. What bulging muscles! |
haste self | you feel yourself moving much faster |
healing | you begin to feel better |
magic detection | you sense the presence of magic. |
monster detection | monster appears on map |
paralysis | you can't move |
poison | you feel very sick now. |
raise level | you suddenly feel much more skilful |
restore strength | you feel warm all over. |
see invisible | this potion tastes like mango juice |
thirst quenching | this potion tastes extremely dull |
other potion (does nothing) | what an odd tasting potion! |
When you find a type of scroll for the first time, it will have a very odd name(see the Guide to the Dungeons for an explanation) consisting of random syllables.
To use a scroll, you have to (r)ead it. Most of the scrolls in the Dungeons aren'tvery dangerous, and quite often even the worst ones are no more than a nuisance.However, the really useful ones (like the identify scroll, which you can use to identify an unknownmagical item) are often very rare. The motto, therefore, is to use them wisely.
KSlack9898 points out the following on scare monster scrolls:- Dragons can still shoot flame at you even while scared from a scare monster scroll. Very annoying if you cant even attack the dragons because other monsters are blocking them.
- If you step on a scare monster scroll, and can't pick it up because your inventory is full, the scroll is activated until you move.But since you didn't touch it, it doesn't crumble when you step back on it again. This can be repeated over and over until you actually pick up the scroll.
Scroll type | Effect |
aggravate monsters | you hear a high pitched humming noise |
create monster | you hear a faint cry of anguish |
enchant armor | your armor glows faintly |
enchant weapon | your weapon glows blue |
food detection | your nose tingles as you sense food |
hold monster | holds all monsters within 1 or 2 spaces of the hero |
identify | this scroll is an identify scroll |
magic mapping | oh, now this scroll has a map on it |
monster confusion | your hands begin to glow red |
Scare Monster | you hear maniacal laughter |
sleep | you fall asleep |
teleportation | |
remove curse | somebody is watching over you |
vorpalize weapon | your weapon gives off a flash |
blank paper | this scroll seems to be blank |
Although the effect of most rings is difficult (if not impossible) to work out withoutan identify scroll, some (such as stealth or sustain strength) aren't too difficultto identify.
To use a ring, (P)ut it on. Rogue will ask you if you want to wear it on your leftor right hand (unless you're already wearing one). Rings are often not the most usefulmagical items, and most of them should not be worn permanently because they costfood points (except, of course, the ring of slow digestion) and food often becomesscarce on later levels.
When a new game is started, the materials listed below are assigned randomly to thering types:
agate, alexandrite, amethyst, carnelian, diamond, emerald, germanium, granite, garnet,jade, kryptonite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, obsidian, onyx, opal, pearl, peridot,ruby, sapphire, stibotantalite, tiger eye, taaffeite, zircon.
Ring type | Cost in food points (per turn) |
add strength | 1 |
adornment | |
aggravate monster | |
dexterity | 1-3 |
increase damage | 1-3 |
maintain armor | 1 |
protection | 1 |
regeneration | 2 |
searching | 1-4 |
slow digestion | adds 0-1 |
stealth | 1 |
sustain strength | 1 |
Like rings and potions, the staff and wand materials are assigned randomly uponstartup.
To use a staff or wand, you (z)ap it and tell Rogue in which direction you want itzapped. Even wands or staves that have an area effect (like a wand of light) mustbe zapped in a direction.
Unlike most magical items, a staff or wand is often identified once used. However,the number of charges left can only be determined with an identify scroll. Also includedhere are vorpalized weapons (since you must zap with them for full effect).
Staff woods:
avocadowood, balsa, bamboo, banyan, birch, cedar, cherry, cinnabar, cypress, dogwood,driftwood, ebony, elm, eucalyptus, fall, hemlock, holly, ironwood, kukui wood, mahogany,manzanita, maple, oaken, persimmon wood, pecan, pine, poplar, redwood, rosewood,spruce, teak, walnut, zebrawood.
Wand materials:
aluminum, beryllium, bone, brass, bronze, copper, electrum, iron, lead, magnesium,mercury, nickel, pewter, platinum, steel, silicon, tin, titanium, tungsten, zinc.
Staff/Wand type | Effect |
cancellation | Reveals invisible or disguised monsters |
cold | ice |
drain life | you are too weak to use it You used it when you had less than 2 hit points |
fire | flame |
haste monster | speeds monster up |
light | the room is lit by a shimmering blue light |
lightning | bolt of lightning |
magic missile | The missile vanishes in a puff of smoke Only if the monster saved versus magic (see top of page) |
polymorph | Turns monster into another monster (and not necessarily a monster that's easier tokill!) |
slow monster | slows monster down |
striking | does serious damage to monster (2d8 w/ +4 to hit, 5% chance of 3d8 w/+9 to hit) |
teleport away | moves monster to a different room |
teleport to | moves monster right next to you |
vorpalized weapon | the monster vanishes in a puff of smoke Used a vorpalized weapon on the correct monster (guaranteed kill) |
nothing (used up) | nothing happens |
undefined | what a bizarre schtick! |
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