The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina (2024)

TWQ THE aASTONIA (N. GAZETTI TUESDAY, NOV1MIER tt, WS, Social Calendar John C. Mason III. Friday 1 p. m.

Mesdames Bessie J. Riddle, Miles Bigger. Roy Warren, and Fred Ferguson will be 'West Third avenue hostesses at a wedding brcakiast Association the Elks club complimenting Association lor an(j Charles Doughton Loggins 3:30 p. m. Members of the apron class or Opti-Miss Club meet in the sewing room at Singer Sewing Machine Company on East Main avenue.

5 p. m. The marriage of Miss Nell Patrick Riddle and Charles Doughton Loggins will be solemnized at the First Presbyterian Church, after which the bride's mother, Mrs. George Mar. cus Riddle, is entertaining at a 8 p.

m. Erskine College Alumni I reception ne church parlor. I Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Spinsters Club Is a called meeting at the Jhome of Miss Nancy Simpson on 1:30 p.

m. 'Childhood Education is meeting -al the city schools administra- 'tion building on West Seventh avenue. V30 p. rn- Mrs. David borough will be party hostess at Iher home on West Seventh ave- 'nue, complimenting Mrs.

Jack iKing. recent bride. 7:30 p. m. Xi Epsilon Chapter, JBeta Sigma Phi.

is meeting with Maude Marshall at her 'home on South Chester street. Personal Mention Mrs. W. H. Noblett, Spencer Mountain road, returned by plane Monday morning from a of three weeks to Mr.

and ilrs. E. J. Ward, the latter her daughter, at their home in Tarn pa, Fla. Mr.

and Mrs. Stewart Atkins and daughters, Claire and Gay, will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Atkins at home in Chapel Hill, returning lo the city Friday.

Association is meeting at the ARP. Church. 8 p. m. Miss Loretta Mlncey held at Seventh Avenue Baptist entertaining her wedding attend- church, ants at her home on Green street 8 to 10 p.

m. Junior Cotillion Club of Durham School of Dancing is having a Thanksgiving dance at the School of on South Broad street. Wednesday p. m. Members of the doll class of Opti-Miss Club will meet in the sewing room at Singer Sewing Machine.

Company on East Main avenue. 7:30 a. m. Credit Women's Breakfast Club is'meeting at the Elks Club. 1 p.

m. Mesdames Hugh A. Query and W. E. Wyche will be luncheon hostesses at the home of the former on West Walnut avenue, honoring Miss Nell Patrick Riddle.

7 p. m. Rehearsal for the Tedder-Shealy wedding will be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, lollowed by a- cake-cutting given by Mesdames Gene Winfree and Leonard Shealy in the social rooms of the Thursday p. m. The marriage of Miss Margaret Rose Shealy and Joseph Byms will be solemnized at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

m. Rehearsal lor the Loggins-Riddle wedding will be held at the First Presbyterian Church, followed by a dinner at the Masonic Temple given by Mrs. Mary R. Carpenter, Mrs. R.

A. Froneberger, Mr. and Mrs. A. Froneberger, and Mr.

and Mrs. Negro News CHURCH RALLY A total of S2.361.48 was raised in the drive and 12-tribe rally 7 p. m. Rehearsal for the Rankin-Clemmer wedding will be James W. Boyd Is pastor.

Captains who were commended for solicitation work during the six week program were Otis and Nannie Bigger, Russell Starr and Janie Watson, C. B. Barnett and Ida Choate, Larain Carothers and Catherine Thomas, Tom McCollum and Jessie Phillips, Lewis Barnett and Mary Carothers Sam Carothers and Ferry Ken- and Beulah Barnettr'Isaac Bigger and Sarah Moss, Olin Bigger and Jessie C. Thomas, Porter Smith and Eula Mie Thomas, Coleman Ken- drlck and Minnie Graham. 7 p.

m. There will be a dinner dance at Gaston Country Club. 7:30 p. m. Misses Doris McCready and Helen Spencer are entertaining at the home of the former on Davis Park road, in compliment to Miss June Boyd, bride-elect.

7:30 p. m. Miss Doris McCready is entertaining at her home here in compliment to Miss Betty June Boyd. bride-elect. 1:30 p.

m. Rehearsal for the Grigs-Mincey wedding will take place at Myrtle Methodis Church, followed by a cake-cutting in the social rooms of the church, given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. 8 p.

m. Rehearsal for the Davis-Long wedding will beheld at East Baptist Church, followed by a cake-cutting given by and Mrs. Glenn Long Miss Juanita Hale, and Burleigh Withers at the Long home on South Broad street. Saturday 5 p. m.

The marriage of Miss Kathryn Ann Clemmer and Buddie Aaron Rankin will be solemnized at Seventh Avenue Baptist Church. 5 p. m. The wedding of Miss Peggy Jo Long and Joseph Blair Davis will take place at East Baptist Church. 7 p.

m. Mesdames James R. Barnes and Talmadge Freeman will be party hostesses at the home of the latter on Hunsinger avenue, paying to Miss Mary Armstrong, bride- elect. 7:30 p. m.

Miss Mary Falls will be party hostess at her home here, honoring Miss Betty June jyd, bride-elect. 7:30 p. m. Miss Peggy Gray 11 be dinner hostess at the Country Club, honoring Miss Molly Beth Current, bride-elect. 8 p.

m. The wadding of Miss Loretta. Maxine Mlncey and Bobby. Grigg will be sol emnized at Myrtle Methodis Church. 9 p.

m. to 1 a. m. Junior Woman's Club is holding its annual Christmas dance at the Veterans Club in Charlotte. 'ille.

to be with their parents for the Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Martha Robinson will be accompanied by her roommate, Miss Cissie Kettles of Monroevilie, La. Miss Fayc Robinson spent, the past weekend in Salisbury as uest of Miss Peggy Howe. Miss Molly Lysbeth Current rrives today from St. Mary's School, Raleigh, to be with her larents.

Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Curent, for the Thanksgiving holi- Having a.

party? Ose Travelers Resta a s' private rooms. Phone VA 4-1041 for reservations and menu suggestions. Make an extra'sandwich when you are packing, a Junchbox for Dad or one of your youngsters. Wrap the sandwich in waxed paper and refrigerate it. At noon, when you are ready for lunch, spread the top surface of the sandwich bread with soft butter or margaine and toast under the broiler; turn, spread other side of sandwich with soft butter and toast.

Almost any egg or tuna to this sandwich treatment. OKLTGEfUINl PARTS USED AT ORA OAtI guff Balann 174-180 SOUTH STREET gives your child a for as little as 1 Oca day Many lucky boy ind girl is starling life today with a life in- lurance estate costing about one-half of what you probably pay. Why? Because some far-sighted father bought a policy years ago to give has child a guatontttd flying start lo lifetime security. You do it for your children, loo. With Jefferson Standard's new Estate policy thai automatically increases when the child reaches age 21 to five times the original face u'tfJi no Increase in premium.

Where else, such a his Hfetimt Muro for such a small investment? Don't delay. Get details today. JAMES T. COMER, CLU JAMES E. CASHATT Commercial Bank Building lif( IMIUIANCI COMfANY Still: N.C.

I lillion, 400 Million Dalian Lift Insurance In forct (Begins On Front Page) Shedd attempted tn break off he romance, she said. Last Monday, she said, the victim met Clendenin in Chicago and told him they definitely were through. The next day, she continued. Clendenin showed Miss Shedd the same he later used to kill her. Last Friday morning, while Miss Shedd was visiting a friend.

Miss Garland said, Clendenin lurst into her bedroom and "demanded to know where Sally was." Miss Garland, who was at the door of the plane when Clenden- boarded it, said she couldn't 'help feeling that I could have wevented I had just shoved her (Miss Shedd) off the plane the minute I saw him." Graddon said officers found unfinished love letters in Clendenin's briefcase, tucked in book which had nestled gainst the revolver. Addressed to "Dear Sally," hey said, in part: "You are probably right that am not the right man for you. Please try to understand. I love Ironically, Clendenin's mailed plea for 'the love of the Jrl he killed was sandwiched Between the pages of a book en.itled: "How to Sell Yourself Others." Miss -Jackie Wright' arrives Wednesday night from Meredith College. Raleigh 1 to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Dorsett Wright, at their home on Vista Drive. Misses Barbara Holfeld and joe. Styers will arrive Wedn dsy from Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, to spend Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Werner Hoi feld on South York street, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Styers on Thomas avenue. Mrs.

A. C. Current returned Sunday to her home on Jackson road from Gaston Memorial Hospital where she received treatment for injuries received a fall. She is making a sat- sfactory convalescence. Miss Cynthia.

Summerrow left oday for Baltimore, for a to friends. On Saturday ihe will attend the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Catherine Henson spent past weekend with Misses Dorothy Summerrow and Betty Atkins at Greensboro College, Greensboro, going especially for lospilality weekend being marked by the college. Misses Frances. Wilson, Mary Lou Lanier, and Rhonda Strange will arrive from High Point, College, High Point, on Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving holidays here.

Misses Carolyn McCarter and A'flita Benoy, students at Pheil- er-College, coinc Wednesday to spend the holidays with their parents at their homes in Ranlo. Arriving Wednesday from Greensboro College, Greensboro, to spend Thanksgiving holiday? at their homes here are Misses Mallie Harmon, Dorothy Sum- merrow, Betty Atkins, Doris Linda Jones. Pfc. John Craig Mason III, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs.

Mason at, the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary R. Car penter, on West Third avenue. Among students arriving Wednesday from Davidson college Davidson, to spend the holidays at their homes here are Dan Senn La Far Hugh Bryant, Gerald Cat-hey, Sammy Sloan, Toe Huskins, and Charles Jr. Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Mull will have as guests for the Thanks- jiving weekend Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailey, the latter their daughter, of Nashville, Tenn.

Mrs. Bailey is the former Betty Ruth Mull. The visitors arrive Thursday morninc. Mr. and Mrs.

G. B. Stowe and children, and Gary, of Myrtle Beach. S. will spend Friday in the city with friends and relatives.

Mrs. P. C. Proneberger will go Greensboro Wednesday to accompany daughter, Anne Lee, who is a student at Woman's College, home for the holidays. Pinkney C.

Froneberger will arrive from the University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. on Wednesday to be with his parents, Judge anc Mrs. Froneberger. Cadet Hunter Huss arrived Monday night, from The Citade! Charleston, S. to spend Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Hunter Huss, at their home on Belvedere avenue. Monday night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Huss at their home on Belvedere avenue was the lat- tcr's sister.

Miss Alimae Temple of Lake View, S. C. Don Owen, student at Stetson University, arrived today to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

E. Owen Mrs. W. F. Vaughn of Winston- Salem Is paying a visit to Mr and Mrs.

J. N. Summerell. the latter her daughter, at theii home on South Hanna street. Miss Anne Morgan arrives Wednesday from Woman's College, Greensboro, to be with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs, E. R. Morgan on Belvedere avenue, during the ThanksgiviiiR holidays. Othei guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Morgan slso arriving Wednesday, will be Mr, and Mrs, A. V. Baucom of Apex, the latter an aunt of Mrs Morgjn. Miss Elta Summercll, student a I the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Miss Anne Summerell of Salem College WlnJton-Salem, come In Wednesday lo spend the holidays with For The Gazette i MORE ABOUT Suitor MORE ABOUT Rezoning (Begins On Front building sites than In the past. These zoning proposals will be rlvertised and another public earing was called for Tuesday, December 20, at city hall at 8:30 p.

He was backed Caylor who told MORE ABOUT Burning -(Besins On Front Page) package, the wife set fire to the home again. Smith said he was told that the cries of a baby awakened the older people in time to escape. He said the house, on which there was S700 insurance, was "for all practical purposes, a complete loss." It was owned by Annie Surig. Reason for hostility toward Lhe girl, explained Smith, was that the husband had to pay $40 for the support of a child of the girl and that the wife was jealous of her. Defense Attorney O.

A. Warren offered character evidence to the effect that the man and his wife both had good reputations. Warren pointed out that the defendants tried to help put out the fire after it had gained headway. One bit of humor crept into the hearing. This came when Solicitor Whitener was cross- examining the woman defendant.

Whitener wanted to know if Laura Jane had threatened to 'get" the young girl even if she "had to slow-walk her down." He wanted also to know what the phrase meant. The defendant, did not, know, nor did the previous character witnesses. Judge Froneberger explained it. "To slow-walk one down" means, according to the judge, to gain revenge even if the pursuit must be a long-drawn- out, affair carried on with great deliberation and opportunism. At another point, Warren suggested that there is a.

legalism in a case. ot. the sort involving husband and wife, "the wife is presumed to be under the domination of her husband." Judge Froneberger said a presumption that a husband dom- nates his wife is a presumption only. Belmont Officer Frank Carpenter and County Detective H. Groves helped in the investigation of the burning and the subsequent arrests.

irs sat Monday, January 9, as an alternate hearing date. The ilternate date was selected in ase the city engineering de- lartment 'is unable to prepare naps showing the proposed ones by that time. Leigh Wilson of Raleigh, a expert with the N. C. League of Municipalities, explained the proposals to -the owners.

"These are merely suggestions. We called this meeting to find iut how you, the property own- rs, feel about the matter," he old the group. One by one, the owners got up and expressed their feelings. Embrey Robinson, the first to declared that loans, especially FHA loaas, could not obtained for houses located sections zoned for industrial purposes. up by John the commis- iloners that he owned 100 acres near Rankin lake.

"By dividing his property I can get two lots the acre. At $500 a lot, I itand to make $100,000 from this property. I've been planning for over, a year. "I'd be lucky to get $25,000 for entire tract II its put in an ndustrial zone." He maintained that he has already spent money developing the property. "If you go ahead and rezone this property, I feel I will be entitled to damages," he said.

Others voiced protests from all areas proposed for rezoning. Mr. Wilson also met with members of the inside comrnis. sion at the city hall. This meet- ng was held jointly with the city council.

Wilson explained ihat the council would have to action on property that has recently been taken into the city limits. "It's merely a technicality. This property was zoned when was outside the -city limits. Now that the city limits has 3een extended, this property classification should be taken out of the outside ordinance and into the inside ordinance." he said. A few scattered areas were changed but not enough to interfere with present regulations them.

The council approved Wilson's their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Summerell.

at their home on Belvedere avenue. Misses Elizabeth Baxter and Anita Fan'is arrive Wednesday from Meredith College. Raleigh, to spend the holidays with their rarents. Mr. and Mrs.

Holiis Baxter on Carolina avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Farris in Brookwood.

Doug Stover, sophom*ore at State College, Raleigh, in Wednesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Stover on Da vis Park road, during the Thanksgiving holidays. Cadet Ronnie Brown arrived today from The Citadel, Charleston, S. to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Fred Brown, at their home on School street. Holiday guests ol Mr. and Mrs. G.

R. Keeter at their home in CramerUm will be their daughter, Miss Barbara Keeter, stu- ient at Woman's College, Greensboro, and their son. G. R. Keeter who attends Davidson College, Davidson.

Both will arrive Wednesday. Rayfield will arrive Wednesday to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Rayfield, at their home on West Rankin street. Lanny is a student at State College, Raleigh. Mrs. F. J.

Schoch and Mr. anc Mrs. Earl Thomasson arrivec Monday from Carolina Beach to be with Mrs. W. Y.

Abresch. who is ill at her home on West Long avenue. Mrs. Abresch is a sister of Mrs Schoch and Mr. Thomasson Mrs.

D. D. Duncan is a patient at Gaston Memorial Hospital having entered Sunday. Miss June Ferguson arrives Wednesday from Flora MacDonald College. Red Springs, to spend Thanksgiving holidays with her mother.

Mrs. Richard Ferguson at her home on Armstrong Circle. Miss Ferguson will have as her guest a classmate. Miss Vivian Morrison, of Badeck, Nova Scotia. Miss Peggy Huffstickler arrives this afternoon from Erskine College, Due West, S.

to spend the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Huftstickler, on East Walnut avenue.

Mrs. Fred S. Wctzell. of Milford, arrives Wednesday to spend Thanksglvlnaf holidays with Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Wetzell al their in the Armstrong Apartments. Dampness and heat are enf. mles of Instant coffee.

Keep the top of the coffee Jar screwed 01 tightly; pul, the Jar In a coo place In your kitchen. The commission- 61-year- old crippled salesman told officers here one-quarter help after naped and robbed him. Dep. -Sheriff R. E.

Wise has arrested a boy accused as one of the trio and officers are searching for the others. MORE ABOUT Kidnap (Begins On Front Page) which resulted in the child's being taken away. BOY RETURNED Mrs. Mitchem said that one month and one day later she got the little boy back. This was accomplished, she said, when she went to Maryland and, locating boarding house where the child was bei.ig cared for, walked out with him and returned to Gastonia, Mrs.

Hutchins 1 sister, Esther Callahan, was fined for assault in a lower court for her role In the affair. Man Beaten And Robbed he crawled about of a mile to get three youths kid MORE ABOUT Boyle -(Begins On Front Fuse) of it. Movies and plays will spring from it, too. It will create the stars of tomorrow as it already is creating new writers. another 10 years live international TV will become commonplace.

This should cut down much misunderstanding between nations as people really see first hand how the peoples of other lands live." Television 'mushroomed in a few short years into a billion- dollar-'a-year industry. It still is growing so rapidly its executives find difficulty keeping up with it. "Programs have to be set up six to eight months ahead," said Sarnoff, ''and one of the biggest problems is how to get rid of your daily tasks so you can find time to sit down and plan what must be done next." How does a television executive relax from the endless high pressure he is under, pressure he sometimes wonders hows he can take and still survive. "Well. I keep tropical goldfish," said Sarnoff, smiling.

"They're fascinating. At the end of the day I like to go home and watch them. They seem so free." recommendations but will wait until the December 5 meeting for ratification. The salesman, S. B.

Huflines of Guilford county, said lie the boys when he stopped at a roadside restaurant on Route 29 to Inquire directions. 'He said the boys offered to take him In their car. Wise said Huffines and other witnesses told him this story of what followed: The boys drove down what If known as the Tony Tavern, to the home of one 'of them. Nobody was there. They took Huffihes out of the car, threw away his crutch and cane, tied and gagged him and left him lying on the floor after taking 5400 from his pockets.

boys then returned to the restaurant and drove in Huffines' truck, filled with merchandise. Huffines freed his hands and. unable to walk, crawled to nearby house. Wise said a waitress at the restaurant gave him the names of three boys, all of R-6, Reidsville. One of them.

John Roberts, was arrested at his home. Wise said he found there a change purse which Huffines said was his. Roberts was jailed here on charges of highway robbery, larceny of a car, assault with a deadly weapon a knife, larceny of merchandise, and kidnapping. Wise said officers are looking for Timothy Shockley and Kenneth Moore. Tiger Feared Loose In Western New Mexico N.

tiger may be the Navafo reservation in western New Mexico and eastern Arizona. Drivers for the General Services Administration and Navajo Indians say they have seen large cat tracks which a professional government hunter says are not those of a mountain lion. One of the drivers says he has seen a large, striped animal jump across the highway. Indians who have seen tracks say they believe the cat may be holed up in one of the abandoned mine shafts in the Fort Defiance area. The cause of the speculation goes' back four years when a circus wagon was wrecked about 50 miles north of Gallup.

A lion and a tiger escaped and were never recaptured. The tiger may have survived, Indians believe. New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Warren Smith, Belmont, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, November 16, at Gaston Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patrick Stewart Belmont. announce the birth of a son on Friday, November 18, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Adams, Mount Holly R-l, announce the birth of a son on Friday. November 18, at Gaston Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eugene Moore, Gastonia R-3, announce the birth''of a daughter on November 18. at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Junior Picklesimer. Lowell, announce birth of a son on Sunday. November 20. at Gaston Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkins, Gastonia. announce the birth of a son on Sunday, November 20, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Thomas Dow, 1322 West Franklin avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday, November 20, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Lee Wilkerson, Iron Station, announce the birth of a son on Monday, November 21, at Gaston Memorial Hospital.

Mr: and Mrs. Grady A. Rhea; 47 Brown street, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, November 20, at Kings' Mountain Hospital. Mrs. Rhea is the former Miss Joyce Capps.

i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson Kirksey. Dallas, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, November 20, at Gaston Memorial Hospital. Simmer dried figs in water to cover until they are very tender, sliced for Serve the figs with oranges and bananas breakfast surprise or as a sert for lunch or supper.

All cheese evolves gas curing. during TMIII POMH AGE SPOTS' FADE brown on the iiirfaM of your fan tell world ymj'ro rettpif perhaps before you really Fade them new ESOTERICA, that medicated cream that break" UE maanf of pigment on (he akin, makes bands look white and young arain. Equally effective on the face, necx and anna. Not A cover-up. Acta in the not on it.

Fragrant, greaaelesa baae for aofteninr, lubricating akin aa it clean up thow At leading drug and toiletry eountera. $2 plus taj. If ymi have these age-rcvcab'ng brown apoU, blotchea. if vou want clearer, lighter ikin, ESOTERICA. At all Dror Stnr-n.

SMITH'S DRUG STORES So light, so tiny can be worn in a woman's hair, or dipped to a necktie SMITH'S DRUG STORES 155-57 W. MAIN AVE. (New Store) PHONE UN 5-2191 For'56 choose America's Favorite Station Wagon! With Jhunderhird Y-8 Jhuriderbird styling and new Lifeguard Design Eighf-penienger Country Sedan It's more stylish than ever this year, with eicidnj nfw colors stunning interiors. Like the Country Squire, it has easily removable rrir seat. Four doors give easy access for all eight passengers.

Country Sedan This model is designed for those who prefer 4-dnor convenience with scats for six. Like all Ford Station Wagons, it has'fold-into-the-floor Stowaway seat. Country Squire A queen among all station-wagons. Mahogany-finished steel panels "nth wood-grained, glass-fibre moldings give woodlike beauty to this 8-passenger dreamboat. here's more than meets the eye as to why Ford Station Wagons sell more than the two nmners-up combined! Their Thimderbird beauty is apparent in all sii models.

But their beaut)' is than skin-deep. Underneath that Thnnderhird hids there's a heart of the Thimderbird Y-8 engine is the siandnrd eight in all Ford Station Wagons, at no c.v/rn cost. If you need any more reasons why Ford is your soundest station wagon buy this into new Lifeguard Design which was designed for your protection and is found onlv in the '56 Ford. Brand-new and carpeted through and through, this 2-door, 6-passenger do-it-all has limousine comfort and doesn't mind rolling up its sleeves, Ranch Wagon This alj-aroimd favorite has rwo wide doors, easily scad 6 people. At In all r'ord Stalion Wagons, lift gatt and tail gate can be operated easily with one hand.

Custom Ranch Wagon A 8-passengcr hcauty that's at home on the range or In the city. Converts in a split jiffy from luxury liner to a iiipcr-spacious cargo carrier, Easy-to-clean interior. FORD STATION WAGONS LEWIS MOTORS, Inc. 114 EAST SECOND AVENUE PHONE: UN GREAT TV, FORD THEATRE, WITY, CHANNEL 3, THURSDAY, 10:00 P. M..

The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.