The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN TUESDAY JULY 26 1870 Paints anb Oarnigfies JJNION WHITE LEAD SPRINGIELD AND VICIN1T AT REDUCED PRICES ROCKWQon Architects ers VV di bymonas woiiningwu Park Warner "iVorthington street $100: New 2Lbertisem*nt8 ree from Taxes Eight Per Cent Per Annum in Gohl A Perfectly Safe Investment irst Mortgage Bonds THE ISSUE Insurance AT ORT REAR $10000000 War DErAHTXBNT jy25 Id Marvin Chapin William Stowe George A Hui Smith Geo Southworth Covill Albert Briggs Ax Arkansas Prof orey of Chicago has inaugurated a colony which is to settle in Arkansas on a tract of land purchased for this purpose An exploring committee has jut returned having secured a tract of fifty thousand acres on or near the Memphis and Little Rock railroad in the vicinity of Bluff It is proposed to begin building houses in the Surgeon General's Ofeicb Washington 15th July 1870 Congress having provided by Acts approved June 17 June 30 and July 11 1870 for the reissue every five years of Artificial Limbs or the value thereof in money to officers soldiers seamen and marines who have lost limbs in the service of the United States the following instructions are published for the bene fit of those interested Application should be made direct to the Surgeon General from whose office the necessary blanks will be furnished on request Upon applications for limbs in kind orders will be given by the Surgeon General upon any manufac turer selected who shall first have filed a bond in the sum of ive Thousand Dollars with two sureties to furnish good and satisfactory limbs without extra charge to the soldier and make good all defects of material or workmanship without additional charge subject in all cases to the inspection of such persons as the Surgeon General may designate Blank forms of bonds will be furnished by this Office Transportation to and from the place of fitting the limb will also be furnished upon a written request addressed to the Surgeon General Application for commutation will be certified by the Surgeon General and transmitted to the Commission er of Tensions for payment through the local pension agents As full instructions will be forwarded from this Office with the blank form of theexpense of employing an Attorney or Agent will be in no case necessary Coitimei'cinl Agents 54 Pine Street New York ielO ith all of our Stock Two pieces best Mohair Goods formerly 75c now 50 dozen Good Rap kins $100 per dozen Suiting Dress Goods at ri to suit jy2Q BARNES Surgeon General Army Wl'Mtru MaHMichUHCtts Phillips Co of South Adams have re commenced work in their woolen mill at Maple Grove with a full complement of help the strik ers after remaining out eight days having con cluded to accept of the reduction of 10 per cent on their wages Blackinton will reduce wages in his factory to the same amount next month The new Crispin shoe company in North Adams have begun operations with trood prospects of success Last week a hail storm struck the east side of lorida mountain doing great damage Lewis Nelson lost $200 in the destination of his grain fruit and grass Amasa Sherman was arrested in North Adams last wcelt for breaking into the shoe factory of Milliard Whitman in the night Mr was a disavowed Crispin A carpenter was recently hired by a well 1 known citizen of North Adams to do repairs on his dwelling on the sabbath and when he called I for pay he was refused on the ground that the i work was done on Sunday and he could not col lect it That employer is one of the meanest men on record Johnny Keenan a lad of three was drowned at Pittsfield Saturday by falling into a pail of water Sir Phelps the well known composer of Brooklyn has been spending'a few days at Northampton Merrick ay Co of Monson will soon start up on their short summer term of manufacturing goods for fall trade and when the academy term commences and the straw shops are in full oper ation there will be livelier times than for the past four weeks Most of the employes of the various manufacturing companies of the town are leisure ly spending the hot vacation cither fishing visit ing or at the seashore and when trade and busi ness fairly begins Monson will be as lively as ever Thompson of West Brookfield who was arrested and committed to jail at Northampton last fall by a conductor of the Connecticut River railroad for refusing to pay his fare after he had shown the excursion ticket issued by the musical convention at Greenfield from which he was returning has settled with the company on their paying him $500 He had sued the company and recovered $800 but they hail carried the case up on exceptions and Thompson conse quently accepted the smaller sum Albert Montague has bought the Miller place in Sanderland including the hot house for $5000 The state constables visited the American House at Greentield on riday and seized 20 gallons of liquor as well as smaller amounts at two other places At the recent anuual meeting of the Turners alls company the following officers were chosen: President A Crocker of itchburg directors A Crocker and BN arren of Green field Talbot of Lowell A Stevens of Ware Russell of New York 0 Ruggles of itchburg Chapman of Greenfield 0 Ames 2d of North Easton Gates of Lowell Davis of Greenfield II Ely of Lowell A Ramsdell of New London executive com mittee A Crocker BN arren Davis clerk and treasurer Davis Charles Mellen the street who was sentenced to Grecficld jail was released on riday by authority of the governor that he might visit liis wife who is suffering from severe illness As previously announced the annual reunion of the 31th regiment will occur in Greenfield on Thursday August 11 and promises to be largely attended The Vermont and Massachusetts Boston and Albany and Connecticut river rail St Joseph and Denver City RAILROAD COMPANY Issued in denominations of $1000 and $500 Cou pon or Registered payable in 30 years with Interes payable 15th August and 15th ebruary in New York London or rankfort free of tax Secured by a mortgage only on a completed and highly pros perous road at the rate of $13503 79 per mile Earn ings in excess of its interest liabilities This line be ing the Middle Route is pronounced the SHORTEST and MOST NATURAL ONE OR REIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAIC ACROSS THE CONTI NENT ST LOUIS AND ORT KEARNEY SPAN NED BY A RAILWAY AND CONNECTING WITH THE UNION PACIIC NEY Capital Stock of Co Laud Grant pronounced value of irst mortgage Bonds lx Moth Patches reckles aud Tan on the ace use Moth and reckle Lotion It is reliable and harmless Sold by every druggist in Springfield and elsewhere Prepared only by Dr Perry 59 Bond street New York WEISSBEIN Architect No 20 State street 6md BOSTON MASS At a Paris curiosity shop: are wrong Monsieur not to take this sleeping bacchante the marble is very beautiful and finally it is by is a useless so Monsieur but consider how well it will look in case of a sale after THE SPRINGIELD ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE A SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL The Institute is the oldest High School in the City Its history of more than forty years has been charac terized by eminent success A large number of the youth of both sexes have passed from its educa tional advantages to prominent position in practical life Notwithstanding the greatly increased facilities in the community for academic education in public and private schools the Institute has fully maintained its place in the public estimation and patronage Principal at home 5 Court street till August to attend to applications jy 20 CHAS BURDETT Principal ilrg GOOX)S This favorite brand of Lead la Ior gate By Warner Worthington Springfield and Hamr4ersly chlcopeej Masg s7fmd' $1500000 BY THE Springfield Tuesday July JG BIBB In this city 25th Mrs Sophia Hodgjtt 95 uneral at the residence of Patch No 23 Howard street this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 riends are invited to attend In this city 25th Eliza Aspinwall 40 wife of Henry rench Ouneral to morrow (Wednesday) at 3 at the lorence street Methodist church riends and relatives are invited In this city 24th Carrie Isabel 1 year 10 months only child of Albert and Eliza Bush In this city 25th Muriel Sears 8 months and 10 days daughter of George aud Ellen Lewis Jr At New Orleans 24th Elizabeth Colton Beebe 28 wife of I Morris formerly of this city At East Brookfield 18th Marshal Curtis 59 At South Hadley 23d Mary Ann 63 wife of Welcome Bennett At Rochester 21st Robert Buell 43 formerly of Wilbraham At Huntington 25th Elizabeth 50 wife of Henry Collins of Brooklyn At New Haven Ct 15th Susan A wife of A Train editor of the Palladium theircommander Brevet Brig Gen A Tasm The scabbard is of solid silver heavily gilt elab orately engraved with representations of a re view camp and battle scene and appropriately inscribed while the hilt is also of solid sth er and the blade a veritable Damascus with mottos iDThe Boston committee on health is about to erect street urinals of a similar character to those which have for many years been estabhsned in stitutions in Paris A Southwick of Lawrence 21 years old was drowned while bathing in the Merrimac at Law rence on Sunday Peter Murphy of North Andover went to a hotel in Lawrence Sunday night while intoxi cated and having consequently been given a room without matches or light walked out of a window' in his efforts to find the bed and injured himself so severely that he soon died Robert Winthrop will deliver the oration at the 250th anniversary of the landing of the 1 11 gritns at Plymouth an office winch Daniel eb ster discharged 50 years Thomas Hill the Boston artist will not to New' 1 ork al though the greater part of his patronage comes from that city and Philadelphia During his re cent tour in Pennsylvania he took few sketches but received commissions enough to employ him for two years among them eight paintings tor which he will receive nearly $10000 Ricard JI Dana Jr has been so prostrated by the heat that he has been ordered by his physician to ceae all work and take a trip to Europe Benjamin Robinson a dry goods merchant and an old and respected citizen of Lowell cut his throat on Sunday and died on Monday No cause for the act is known except distress from the heat fall The colony is to be constituted somewhat on the Vineland plan and is to be composed of none but temperate moral and religious people and contemplates establishing at the outset schools of a high order and other accompani ments of civilization not usually found in new settlements The enterprise is in the hands ot reliable business men and is not one of specula tion but of actual and permanent settlement Onite a number of colonies have gone out from Chicago during the past year or at least nave hailed from Chicago as their rendezvous prior to starting One German colony under the lead of Carl Wulston which went to Colorado is pros finely They were well to do people young and hardy and went to found an agricul tural community on a somewhat novel plan ior Germans Mr Wulston said he intended to trv an experiment and see if a German colony could not get along without breweries and beer which he intended to have prohibited by the organic law of the colony JIaiue The house of James Safford at Portland was burned on riday loss £1500 insured for S1000 Longfellow presented the public li brary in Portland his native place with 16 folio volumes comprising the works of Dante 1 trarch Ariosto Tasso and otherfamous Italians The buildings on the poor farm at Rumford were burned on Thursday together with several head of cattle Henry Clark of Vermont the living skeleton died last week at the military asylum at Togus Springs A son of Parent of Saco fell from a bridge on riday and was fatally injured The Burrell house and barn in Turner were struck by lightning recently and entirely burned loss $5000 insured for $1400 The barn of Smith in South Paris was also destroyed by lightning The Pea Cove house at Pea Cove above Old town owned and kept by Gilman Davis was totally destioyed by fire on Sunday afternoon loss $4000 insured for $2800 New Hampshire DISASTROUS IRE AT COLEBROOK A fire which broke out in a tenement house in Colebrook Sunday morning spread until it burned nearly all the business portion of the town The following are the losses shoe store and post office $2500 Savage tailor $1000 Y'oung grocer $2000 A Eustin hardware and tin shop $7000 store $6000 Parsons house store and stable $12000 Leavitt marble works $1200 Hager Bedell house and barn $3000 Little house and carriage shops $7000 Parkhurst store $3000 Crawford Aldrich store and goods $8000 Cassen Wentworth traders $1500 Tabey jeweler $1500 Wil liam Joslyn Sons druggists $8000 There were also many small losses Sixteen families were rendered homeless Walter Gibson a graduate of Dartmouth col lege lias become publisher of Claf owned and edited by the women brokers of Broad street New York William Haines of Biddeford George Burleigh of Great alls and Rev Henry air banks of St Johnsbury Vt have been elected trustees of Dartmouth college Prof John Sinclair has been elected professor of civil en gineering and head of the Chandler scientific school in place of John Woodman resigned and William Chase a Concord lawyer of the class of has been chosen professor of mathe matics Michael Kiley of Manchester while in a quarrel with his wife Saturday afternoon killed her by beating her upon the head with a chair The purchasers of the late ex President house at Rye Beach deny that it is to be convert ed into a summer hotel and say that they shall occupy it as a private residence Caleb Burbank a retired merchant and promi nent citizen of Nashua from which city he was elected to the Legislature in 1869 and 1870 died on Saturday after a long sickness at the age of 70 Two years ago the state fish commissioners put a few black bass in Sunapce lake and there is now a good prospect that the lake will soon be stocked with the fish Vermont Gen the enian leader who is im prisoned at Burlington denies that he has made any money out of the brotherhood in proof of which he says that he is a dollar to fee a lawver or a cent to buy a postage while his wife and children are suffering from poverty Rutland has selected October 5 as the day for its centennial celebration and invited Dr Todd of Pittsfield Mass a native of the town to preach a sermon appropriate to the occasion on the preceding Sunday evening and selected Rev James Butler of Madison Wis Gen Davis of Troy and Gen Benjamin Alvord of Cali fornia as orators for the celebration Only one car and a mowing machine were saved "from the entire contents of the Passumpsic depot at Wells river in the recent fire the entire loss from which is about $15000 The remains of Henry Stacy late American consul at Revel Russia reached Burlington his former home on Saturday and were interred the same evening The program of the commencement of the University of Vermont and state agricultural college at Burlington next week will be as fol lows: Sunday July 31 at 4 baccalau reate by President Angell at7i anniversary of society for religious inquiry with address by Rev Dr Eddy of Boston Tuesday at 9 examination for admission at 2 annual meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa at 4 celebration of the Phi Beta Kappa at 8 commencement con cert at city hall Wednesday at 9j annual meeting of the alumni at 11 oration by Rev 11 Byington of New Haven and poem by Ballard of Castleton with dinner and social re union at 7 1 junior exhibition Thursday com mencement day at 101 orations of graduating class and conferring of degrees with corporation dinner and levee at the house Music will be furnished by the Germania band of Bos ton and the railroads and steamboats will carry for fare one way Special Dispatches to The Republican Davis an East Boston thief bailed for $6000 and absconded to Canada was nabbed Sunday by Jerry Drew at Stanstcad and lodged in Irasburg jail Monday by Sheriff Bean Horse thieves were operating at Albany Sun day night Charles Gaylord recently swindled Elkins Brayley of North Troy with a bojjus draft issued in the name of A Gaylord Co of St Louis on a Philadelphia bank! Gaylord is connected with the swindlers operating at Athol Mass last March and with the Newport safe robbers Connecticut During a recent thunder shower in Bridgewater the lightning struck in a patch of tobacco be longing to Richmond Clarke It covered a space about three rods square in which every plant was wilted down as though it had passed through hot water cotton gin factory at New London was burned on Two car loads of cot ton owned by the Quinnebaug company of Danielson eille were recently burned while on the way from Providence the loss which was quite heavy falling upon the Hartford and Providencerailroad The Etna insurance company against which Bennett their late manager at Cincinnati entered a suit for $200000 damages have brought a counter suit against him for $60601 alleged to have been received by him and not properly accounted for Regular trains will commence running over the Air line railroad between New Haven and Middletown on Monday of next week 1R WM SCHOOL OR LtL The sixth year will begin September 12th In addition to his former teachers Mrs Maria Owen and Miss Seeger Mr Gordon will be assisted by Mr Adolf Spieser during the past year a successful teacher of Modern Languages in North ampton formerly Professor of German Italian and rench in the Pension Gloor Rossier and College de Vevey Switzerland The school rooms are comforts ble and convenient and the school is supplied with such apparatus as is necessary for illustrating the principles of Natural Science The horse cars pass1 within a few rods of the rooms Address until Jy 1 and after September 1 Box 418 Springfield during July and August Box 43 New Bedford Mass my28 Northampton Mass TESTED AND ADOPTED BY THE NAVY Db PARTMENT THE UNITED STATES The Superiority of this Engine Consists 1st In Its SIMPLICITY It dispenses with com plex machinery fire companies reservoirs and tion hose Carbonic acid gas is both the work extinguishing agent 2d In PROMPTNESS It is always No steam to be raised no fire to be kindled no hose tobe laid and no large company to be mustered 1 chemicals are kept in place and the gas genera instant wanted In half the cases the time thu is a building saved ive minutes at the right time a worth five hours at the wrong time 3d In EICIENCY Mere water titmice uately applied feeds the fire bnt Carbonic Acid Gas nee Bulk for bulk it is thirty times as effective as the sixty six gallons of the two cylinders beino to nineteen hundred and eighty gallons 0 Besides it uses the only agent that will exuiq burning tar oil and other combustible flud a vapors One cylinder cau be re charged time other is working thus keeping up a cent stream 4th In CONVENIENCE Two or three men can draw it and manage it Its small dime D8I0nfs but a small area either for work or storage Ute dredfeet or more of its light pliant hose pa be ried on a arm up any number of stairs building or if fire forbids up a ladder outsiue 5th In SAVING ROM the has spared It smothers but does not del modicum of water used to give momentum to or no is soon evaporated by the heat doing damage to what is below Th's feature of is of incalculable worth to housekeeper) and insurance companies 6th In ECONOMY It costs only much as an average hand engine and about o' as much as a steam engine with its necessary an dages: and the chemicals for each charge than one dollar The Price is $700 Send cular IMPORTANT NOTICE AU parties are warned against buying or Extingulshers of any kind in which wate Alie nated with Carbonic Acid Gas is used as tne guishing element except those Company or others duly licensed and auth us on pain of immediate prosecution for ment MILES Treasurer American Coneoi ire Extinguisher Company The New England ire Extinguisher Northampton Mass derived its patents American Consolidated ire Extinguisher tom id of Boston and is the only company in New "duly licensed and by it 8(700000 l5000v( $19500000 The remaining portion of this Loan now for sale at 97J4 and accrued interest in currency Can be had at the Agencies in New York or Boston in New York Tanner Co Bankers No 49 Wall st or Converse Co No 54 Pine st In Boston of Rollins Morse Bro No 27 State st Pamphlets Maps and all information can be ob tained at either of the above named agencies The attention of Capitalists and Investors is par ticularly invited to these Securities We are satisfied they are all that could be desired and unhesitatingly recommend them not familiar with the business but we are as sured as to their correctness It has been the custom among scythe manufacturers from anie immemorial to warrant their scythes the mer chants and consumers to be perfec ana no that alone but that one and all should be good ca ters This custom of course allowed in each case the farmer or user to be the judge and many a close fisted fellow has finished his haying and with a solemn countenance returned ln aj ae to the merchant as too coft or too hard 'fthen tie fact was his having was done and he had no more use for the scythe but could use the dollar he paid for it verv handily All ns might have worked very well in clden times when everybody was honest (especially farmers) aud scythes made by hand hammers entirely and many were sent into market imperfect But as ttie country increased withits foreign population a greater portion of whom know little or nothing about handling or sharpening edge tools and the tm provements in manufacturing are so nearly per I fected that one scvtbe is like another and all neavlv perfect this matter of warrants has be cotne'a burden to the manufacturer and conse qaentlv the same to the honest consumer lens convention was called that the manufacturers might act in concert and rid themselves oi this burden and imposition practised upon them tor The simple reason onlv that their greet grandtatti ers consumers and manufacturers hud done so before them The Allowing resolution was passed Whereas Tbs practice of warranting scythes isdetrimental te the Interests of tbe merchant and jobber as well ss the manufacturer Theretore be it Resolved Urat we hereby pledge ourselves to dis continue the same for one year from date uicti means fore er The convention after transacting other busi ness enjovKtg a social time and a good dinner adjourned to Thursday 21 1871 at the same place CITY COUNCIL THE TAXES Both boards of the city council held a session last evening exhaustive like the weather The aidermen granted these petitions To enter sew ur 15 CvmnrJc Wnrthincrfnn street S50: Sv cmn RumriU Morris street £100 Grimes hlhson Liberty street $100 Dr Marshall Calkins street $100 with the proviso that he shall pay $100 more when the upper story shall be converted into tenements James Abbe Spring street $100 These petitions were referred Of Lewis and Mrs Lewis Gorham to cut down trees to the mayor and Aidermen Hooker and Hall of James Abbe to use part of Spring street while building and of Pat Mclnierny to move a building from East State to Blandford street to the mayor and Aidermen Dickinson and Hall of George Smith and others for a sewer in Margaret street to the committee The petitions of James Thornton tor li cense as common victualler and of lagg and others remonstrating against granting the petition for grade and sidewalk on Orleans street were laid on the table Aidermen Trask and Dickinson were appointed the committee of conference on the city hospital ordinance The question at issue between the city and Mr Tilly Haynes about his assessment for the Pynchon street sewer was brought up by Aiderman Trask and the mayor stated that he had submitted it to arbitrament the referees being Jerome ells and Phineas Stedman of Chicopee and Stewart Chase of Holvoke both parties to be bound by their decision As a board of health orders were passed directing the city marshal to abate nui sances of stagnant water on the premises of Mrs Louisa Viner and Patrick Sceery on Dwight street and of filthy hog pens on Matthew place on Hickory street The aldermen adjourned for two weeks The council chose 13 Wilson chairman the absence of President Lee They originated an important order directing the board of super visors to cause Dwight street to be curbed graded and the side walks laid the present season in support whereof Councilman Bourke made a concise and sensible speech They also ordered the supervisors to fill and grade the space enclosed by granite curbs in the center of Main street between Verbena and Carew streets and passed the order relating to the Central street school house amended to order the sale of the old house and lot by public auction an amendment in which the upper board concurred The council adjourned for four weeks In concurrence these orders were passed: That the sum of $25133871 be assessed upon polls estates and other taxable property to meet the year's expenses that the treasurer be au thorized to borrow $40000 to meet current ex penses directing the treasurer to apply the pro ceeds of the sale of the Willard property thus $25600 to the reduction of the floating debt and the balance $346157 to the highway depart ment and the $2100 raised by sale of the barn and lot in rear of the Sanford street engine house to building of the new Central street schoolhouse ordering sidewalks on North Main street be tween erry and Sharon on the south side of Clinton on the south side of Mulberry and on Orleans street assessing sidewalk on Summer street Hatch $1063 IV Hatch $2090 Mrs Angeline Lamb $8369 on Union street Nathan Rice $4954 State street Mrs Sikes $3541 Worthington street John War ner $4566 NEW ENGLAND NEWS ITEMS ire IJIHE SEL ACTING IRE ENGINE MADE AND SOLD BY THB NEW ENGLAND IRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY gPBINGIELD IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $500 000 ASSETS $939609 40 DIRECTORS Edmund reeman Chester Chapin Daniel Harris William Lombard Dale Henry Russell James Brewer vtVrEtJ JI dlKvi EDMUND REEMAN President SMITH Vice President SANORD HALL Secretary TATE MUTUAL LIE ASSUKAN CE COMPANY WORCESTER MASS Isaac Davis Prest Clarendon Harris Seo Accumulated und $1035007 24 Losses Paid 658650 00 Dividends Paid 402900 00 CHARTERED 1844 Principles: CASH in all CARE In the selection of risks PRUDENCE in Investing the re miums ECONOMY in management ANNUAL Div idends of Contribution Plan of distribu Nonforfeitable Policies under the law ot A ull Equivalent to the poicy holders for every dollar paid to the company There being no stockholders to make a profit cu ci the business the entire assets and all tne accruing stirplus belong to the policy holders alone The widows and orphans of the insured are no re quired to take any part of the insurance when it be comes a claim in the premium notes of the decezeeu The Interest alone received on the Invested bms of the Company in the last ten years has paid all me losses by Death during that period and thirtvytve (ou per cent of all other expenses What other Life Ccm pany can show as gooda record? Good reliable Agents wanted Liberal terms will be ofi'ered to the right men Apply with rei erences to the AGENCIES a tte ficeof the Company 98 Main street Worcester Mm TANNER CO iscal Agents 49 Wall Street New York CONVERSE CO The furniture of a bankrupt boarding house on Harrison avenue is advertised at sheriff sae this afternoon The Third National bank has declared a semi annual dividend of 6 per cent payable on and after August 1 Two renchmen were hauled out of a fight in a low beer saloon under the old Hampden house last evening and will figure at this morning police court Tbe well known dry goods firm of Coveil cv Crowell has been dissolved bv the Mr II Crowell who is about to remoie to Bridgeport Ct The business will be continued hv Mr Covell "The iollv party of West Point excursionists will be well on their winding way by the rmc this item is read and we heartily wish them aday of unmingied pleasure and a cooleratmos phere than ours i Those who can continue to flee from tbe citv to the mountains and the sea shore and the latest we record Alderman LI and wife who start to day ior the Appledore house Isle of Shoals DrC Hv at hotel in Hatfield and ilhatn Warren and wife of this city it Denhams New England house in Bernardston The liquor traffic apparentlj wilts under The hot weather There was but one criminal before the police court yesterday morning John Ltnne han keeper of the Liberty street hole where Dalton and Barn drank tfce poison that caused the fight in which the latter was killed who was fined and paid for an assault on his wife There were also some small civil cases The Armory comet band of 16 pieces gave an excellent concert at the Springfield house last which was very largely attended and wa the first of a series to be given hereafter twice a week on Monday and Saturday evenings The company was as usual at the casino largely made up of our substantial citizens and their families such as in Germany are always found at the volksgartens Dan big dog got on a rampage vesterday and bit Henry Sands son of die late queen Samanth beside (another man' and jumped at a throat Wherefore Dan dog on comnlaint was ordered removed irom city limits or killed as a dangerous animal and Henrv went on his way with the proud con sciousness of having protected the community if not himself A gas lamp just across the road from the old Union street school house midway between Oak and Walnut streets would be a very welcome thing to the public At present the walk there is the resort of obscene and profane loafers who make it their busines to insult passers by and especially women with their foul presence and fouler speech are of the class that love darkness rather than light and a street lamp there would be an effective moral agent Mr Russell Kingsley who died last April in Mead township was a native of Becket a printer by trade and was for some time em ploved in the Republican office previous to 1857 where he proved himself a good workman and an agreeable companion Ill health caused him to settle on a farm in Pennsylvania for some time but he preferred the printing office and for ten years previous to his death he had been employed in the office of the Crawford Journal There is no greater blessing to a large sectionf the most densely populated part of our city than the spring of pure cool water in the bank beneath the roots of a maple tree near the head of Stockbridge street It is thronged both day and night by men women and children waiting for draughts from the ever flowing fountain that are far more refreshing and satisfying these hot days than the best of ice water This spring is on private land but it should be secured for the permanent public good Armory items Col Benton returns to day from his furlough amid the Adirondacks and within a day or two will receive Secretary Bel knap and Gen Dyer in their inspection tour The haw lnp notice of their arrival bv the prescribed salutctof 15 The employes of the armory are greatly pleased with the failure of that clause in the army bill abolishing the of fice of storekeeper and with the consequent re tention of Major The orders for re modeling of Springfield muzzle loaders into breach loaders are nearly fulfilled there remain ing but 2482 to make up the 50000 rom 300 to 350 per week is the present rate of completion Some probably juvenile burglars have within a few weeks twice begun the burglary of fruit store and news room on North Main street and both times apparently have been frightened away On their last visit riday night thev smashed out a pane reached in and shot the bolt of the back door and then broke into the front store by kicking open the door but although there were $12 in pennies in the counter and cigars and candies ad libitum no thing at all was taken Simon Pierce had his new quarters on Bridge street entered from the cellar Saturday night and $45 taken from his bar Marsh grocery store was also entered but nothing of value taken thence The atmosphere was just two degrees cooler yesterdav and far more vitalized wjth ozone than Sunday but it still ranks with the very worst davs of this extreme season The record st the arrnorv was 79 degrees at 7 a in 90 at 2 remaining at the latter point for the rest of the afternoon We get fearful reports from other cities which plainly show a wild insanity in the thermometers or their reporters New Haven savs hottest day of the but no city has similar experience Sunday will probably stand as the champion hot day Here its highest heat was half a degree ahead of the previous June 25th which marked 915 but there was a greater difference in the average heat of the day which was 83166 on the 25th ult and on Sunday 88666 As a result of the weather it is noticed that the Con necticut was never before so low at this sea son THECAS NEW BUILDING The new gas holder which the Springfield gas light company are building at the foot of Bliss street is quite a remarkable structure The present holder on the corner of State and Water streets rises from within a water tank 22 feet deep of which the upper eight feet are surround ed by a wide protecting embankment and is 83feet in diameter The Bliss street holder is of the same superficies and its tank of the samedepth but it is telescopic that is built in two sections the first of which rises 21 feet three inches then catches the second on cups attached for that purpose and raises it to the same bight thus doubling its capacity to 200000 feet of gas the old one holding 100000 The second section is counterweighted on each column to regulate the pressure The gas which enters the holder has its outlet as well as its inlet toward State street returning to the gas house for distribu tion The tank is bottomed with concrete a foot thick its sides are covered with cement and are 32 inches vide for nine feet 28 for seven feet 24 for four feet and 20 for two feet buttressed to support the iron columns 45 feet high and will consume 300000 brick It is excavated 13 feet below the surface until springs are struck and the water to the gas will be pumped up from the river The addition of this holder which will be put in bv the way by Rol and of Greenpoint I the builder of the first trebles the capacity of storage and renders it impossible for the company to fail in supplying the wants of the city Around and about this mammoth reservoir of gas is to rise a strong brick building with walls 55 feet hijh and a very steep roof" so that it will be 110 feet from the ventilator to the bottom of the tank Mr Dwight expects to have'it completed before the heavy winter demand for gas begins The tank is already finished and the enclosing outer walls are even with its bight scythe convention A convention of a majority of the scythe man ufacturers of the United States has been held at the Massasoit house in this city ew of our readers we imagine have a correct idea of the extent of this branch of industry in our country most of them believing that the mowing machine is doing all of the work But it seems by the figures below that is not the case There are manufactured in the United States each year over one million five hundred thousand scythes at a cost of about the same number of dollars employing nfd far from one thousand five hun dred hands The figures seem large to persons road will furnish all attending free return 1 tickets and an extra train wiP lie run from lliis city leaving at 9 am During the day the regiment will visit the gr of their colonel George ells in th A Greenfield cemetery i where appropriate servi be held i A II Thayer of Brc a promising i young painter of ani is studying stock in Berkshire Heffias recently made tine paintings of blooded anima) 3 belonging to Thomas Allen Dr Todd and Mr gdow of and is now engaged in piRuting a heifer for Crook The Pittsfield Shakers arc erecting a house in which they are to place apparatus for the drying of sweet corn os tin extensive scale that grain having oeceme uf late quite an article of com merce Th valuation of Monson this year is $13 18 f'00 and the tax per $1006 is $1550 The whole ar lount Of taxes assessed is as follows or schools $4000 for highways $5000 for incidental town expenses $3000 for building new school houses $2000 toreduoe the town debt and inter est $2500 while the county tax is $1522 and the state 575 making thewbole state county and town tax $2159753 The tax payers over $200 are these: Coburn S290 William lvnt $222 William lynt Co $322 Holmes Son $232 Holmes $533 Horatio Lyon $1118 Monson woolen company $286 Alfred Norcross $259 A Porter $692 Monson and Brimfield manufacturing company $217 Reynolds $681 Converse (Palmer) $237 A Blanchard Co $224 Charles Owen of Stockbridge has purchased for $4200 and presented to the Congregational church society of which he is a member the house and lot on Main street recently owned by Rev II Eggleston It is to be the parsonage long a great desideratum Goodrich has also presented the society with the perpetual use free of rent of the large and com modious hall above the Jackson library for con ference and occasional meetings The examination at Norwood institute in Northampton will take place to morrow morning and atternoon ueginning at a iu The anniversary exercises will be held in the town hall Thursday evening William Keith has been chosen president of the ranklin county national bank at Greenfield in place of Ira Abercrombie deceased The four oared race of riday at Worcester in which a foul was claimed as decided on Saturday night in favor of the Bay State crew who received the first prize of $75 the second of $50 being awarded to the Nathan Washburn crew A vagrant Irish woman at Worcester was made drunk on Sunday Dy a crowd of fourteen young Irish ruffians who then took her to a retired place and violated her person The brutes all escaped before the appearance of the police The body of Aaron Stockwell of Sutton who has been missing since the 11th was found ri day night about two miles from home hanging He was about 60 old had been long insane and there is no doubt that he com mitted suicide A man named Worcester 24 old was drowned last week while bathing at Lancaster The descendants of Horace Maynard of North boro are to have a gathering at that place Au gust 3 at which 200 members of the family are expected to be present Edmund house in Ludlow was burned Sunday night loss $1000 partly insured Little Peter Caff'ry who notwithstanding his singular dwarfishness (as if he had been sudden ly chucked into abbreviation) enjoyed life and was utterly inoffensive in it was drowned in a deep hole in the Cook brook on James farm in Chester Saturday while bathing There were four deaths in Huntington village between Saturday night and Monday morning The American Institute of Instruction meets at Worcester to morrow and will dispose of the following program: On Wednesday afternoon a paper by President Miner of Tufts college on the duty of larger towrts to support evening schools one in illustration of methods of teach ing music by Mason of Boston and in the evening one on poetry in education by Pref Di man of Brown on Thursday papers on the re lation of academies by Principal Hammond of Monson academy and methods of teaching mor al science by President Hopkins of Williams in the forenoon" on the Bible in common schools by Rev Dr Peabody of Harvard and a discussion the methods of cultivating a sense of honor in pupils in the afternoon and lecture by Dr Lor ing of Salem in the evening on riday paper in the morning on a general course of study by Prof 1 Atkinson business meeting and paper by Secretary White on compulsory educa tion in the afternoon and various addresses in the evening The citizens extend the usual courtesies A dramatic club has been organized in Ber nardston officered as follows: Manager Cutler president A Gucllour vice president Coleman secretary A Brown is under rehearsal and will be brought out sometime in October next Their second meeting will be held riday night Edward Broderick a drunken Irishman as saulted Col A erry in Bernardston Saturday striking him with a cart stake which injured his arm and while Col erry had gone to Greenfield to enter complaint Broderick took leg bail and has gone to parts unknown The census shows according to the figures of Lieut Sheldon that Westhampton contains 588 inhabitants 124 dwellings and 125 families The males appear to be in a small minority There are about fifty foreigners in the town The rich men of Southampton if taxes prove anything in regard to wealth are these: Thomas Doody $124 Patrick lynn 109 Hansford Root 158 Aaron Strong 133 Dr Gridley 144 Thomas Johnson 105 II Lyman 156 Harris Niniocks 176 Isaac Parsons 157 and Baldwin 142 County agricultural fairs will be held this year on the following dates: Worcester at Worces ter September 22 and 23 Worcester west at Barre September 29 and 30 Worcester north at itchburg September 27 and 28 Worcester northwest at Athol October 5 and 6 Worces ter south at Sturbridge September 8 and 9 Worcester southeast at Milford September 27 and 28 nMcin ITIaHMachuwelts Edward Murray 19 years old was drowned while bathing at Boston Highlands on Sunday Three hundred people arc searching for the wife of Ira Bartlett of Bridgewater who recently dis appeared from home while insane The governor has appointed Cornelius At wood of Boston commissioner in relation to dis charged sohliers who servedin (Mass) regiments in place of James Bates resigned Thomas Stone of Cincinnati who was vis iting friends at Bedford was drowned while bath ing on Saturday evening The oldest person in Vineyard was Mrs Hannah landers who died on Thursday last at the age of one hundred years three months and ten days having been born on the fourth day of April 1870 She retained her faculties re markably well up to a few days before her death ifty additional men have been employed in the Charlestown navy yard and other additions to the working foice are expected this week in consequence ol orders to fit the Worcester imme diately for sea John Shea of Boston who was committed to a cell in a station house for drunkenness on Satur day was soon after found hanging by his sus penders to the grating of the door but was cut down and John Stowell who resides on Tudor street Boston attempted to hang himself Sunday afternoon but was dis covered and his life saved amily trouble is the alleged cause for the act and lie was very un grateful to the friend who cut him down Charles Peabody of Wellesley died on Sunday from injuries received in jumping from a train in motion Otis Ellis of Taunton 20 years old was drown ed while bathing at East Bridgewater on Satur day Gen Thayer some time ago offered $10000 to ward a public library in Braintree with the expec tation it is said that it would be located on the common in the center of the town The com mittee however have voted to fix the site at North Braintree whereat there is great excite ment and discussion Sudburv on riday by a four fifths vote took $30000 worth of stock in the proposed raming ham and Lowell railroad which is to run six miles through the entire length of the town and connect it with the outside world A number of gentlemen from southwestern Missouri and Kansas are in Boston to secure an extension of the Southwest Pacific railroad to nni the southern tier of counties in Kansas and had an interview on Saturday with 15 Hayes president of the road and A Pierce Jr one of its chief directors There is now on exhibition in Boston a sword valued at $2000 which is to be presented by com pany of the 12h United States infantry to Riverview military academy POUGHKEEPSIE OTIS BISBEE A Principal and Proprietor A wide awake thorough going School for bov wish ing to be trained for Business for College or for West Point or the Naval Academy jylS c9d yyiLLISTON seminary The next academic year begins August 31 Instruc tion in both English and Classical departments of the best quality Board at cost and tuition free te the indigent or catalogue apply to the Principal MARSHALL HENSHAW Im daw Eathampton Mass Artificial Citnbs NOTICE RELATING TO ARTIICIAL LIMBS.

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